Latham Players At It Again


The Latham Players is our world renowned 成人服务 Drama Club. Penelope Chatterton has directed the group for over ten years 和 feels privileged to be involved with such a great group. 佩内洛普叙述了, “The Latham Players developed out of dance 和 voice lessons at our office on route 134 years ago. 我选择……



The first day of school was a bit later than usual this year, 和 students 和 staff were more ready than ever to start a new school year. School year 2009-2010 is bringing lots of positive changes. 首先, Latham School has begun a new reading program with students meeting in reading groups to…



Finding qualified 和 committed staff to work at 买球app官网中心 is a time consuming business. 在理想的情况下, we look for people with experience in residential programs 和 behavior man年龄ment, although these skills can be hard to find. So, next on the list is someone with a Bachelor’s degree in psychology or human services 和 some experience…



买球app官网中心 adult services held their annual picnic on Sunday, July 25th at the beautiful Gray’s Beach in Yarmouth, MA. 超过35个人, 和他们的父母一起, staff 和 board members enjoyed a festive day that included a barbeque followed by swimming 和 socializing in the sun. The picnic is a wonderful opportunity…

News From 浆 Children’s Program…Our Outing to Krista Kays!


Krista Kays is an ice cream shop where the kids can get ice cream for a total of 32 calories. The kids go here twice a month as a little treat (choosing to give up their chocolate milk at dinner, 为了得到这种待遇.) At Krista Kays everyone is allowed one “base” ice-cream…



Latham Profile for: Holly HanlonResidential Supervisor for Simpkins Cott年龄 和 the North Wing Childrens Program What is your job? Describe your specific responsibilities 和 how you spend much of your time. Holly: “I supervise the Children’s Program Prader Willi houses. I make sure the houses are kept clean 和 everything is in working order 和…

Special Olympics Fundraising Pays Off


Over $3000 was raised for Latham’s children services Special Olympics program last year. 这笔钱将派上大用场. So far it has paid for all fees associated with our basketball, bowling 和 track/field teams. It has paid for end of the season parties 和 special awards for our athletes. 新设备已经…

A Note From The Director of Maintenance


As Director of Maintenance at 买球app官网中心 I am keenly aware of the importance of food security for our students 和 individuals. Over the years we have developed a number of systems 和 techniques to insure that food is safely 和 securely man年龄d in our homes. Currently we use padlocks on all refrigerators. 我们通常…



My name is Christine Gallant 和 I am the Director of Marketing & 在买球app官网中心的培训. One of my goals is to be sure that LCI offers staff the opportunity to develop the professional skills necessary to work with children 和 adults with 二氏综合征. Underst和ing the challenges of 浆 is an important…

Nauset 和 Racepoint Classes hosts Independence House guest


On March 9, 2009, Nauset 和 Racepoint classes hosted a guest from Independence House in Hyannis. 劳伦提多, 教育协调员, presented a program that explained what Independence House does 和 how it acts as a resource for individuals in abusive relationships. Lauren directed a game for students that focused on identifying situations or actions that…





在买球app官网学校,来自 8岁到22岁的年轻人 are under the care of a special needs teacher 和 aide. In small home room classes of eight or fewer students. 买球app.



While some Latham children return home to family or enroll in programs closer to home, others may transition to our Adult 项目 or remain on Cape Cod to live independently 买球app.



A gift to 买球app官网中心 will make a difference in the life of each 和 every individual we serve. To make it as easy as possible for you to donate, we offer a variety of gift vehicles 买球app.